Physical therapy can be a transformative experience, no matter when in life you take advantage of it. You might be surprised at the kind of impact that physical therapy can have; but it’s a discipline that’s been developed over many years, and physical therapists are able to help in many different ways, with many different challenges. Here’s a breakdown of a few of them. Physiotherapy Treatment
Pediatric Physical Therapy
Childhood is a time when the body grows very fast, and problems in childhood can have a negative effect on the rest of a person’s life. Pediatric physical therapy is particularly designed to help adolescents, children and babies to make the most of their growth, overcome problems, and build their muscular and skeletal strength, often teaching them movement types and ranges of movement which they may never have experienced before.
Geriatric Physical Therapy
Getting older can be very tough on the muscles and skeleton. Over our lives, we can get used to using our muscles in ways which are unhealthy or unwise, such as bad posture or damaging gait, which we often don’t recognize because we compensate for them using the rest of our bodies; but as we get older, we may notice more problems, as our muscles stop being strong enough to compensate as they have in the past. Geriatric physical therapy is about taking steps to use the muscles you have in a way which is more efficient and safe, and is less likely to lead to injuries.
Vestibular Rehabilitation
Balance feels like a tiny thing, until you don’t have it any more. Vestibular rehabilitation focuses on helping you to overcome problems of the inner ear which can destroy your balance and be seriously debilitating, including chronic dizziness and vertigo. Physical therapy can help you to teach your body to have better balance and use its muscles to be steadier and sturdier.
Neurological Physical Therapy
Neurological problems, such as spinal cord injuries, strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, brain injuries or cerebral palsy, strike at the nervous system, which is how your brain controls your body. Most neurological problems are chronic, meaning they are unlikely to be healed outright; but physical therapy can have a huge positive impact on life with a neurological disorder. By learning and practicing small therapeutic exercises, the effects of neurological disorders on muscles and movement can be smoothed off and made much more manageable.
Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Orthopedic physical therapy is designed to help you to recover muscle strength, as you might need to after an injury has left you unable to use certain muscles. Whether you’ve been injured recently and need to recover your strength after surgery, or you’ve been carrying an old injury for a long time, you may be surprised at the effect the precision, targeted exercises given to you by a physical therapist can have over time.
If your interested in the top benefits of physical therapy see our other blog post. Also if you looking for a local physical therapist visit our homepage (